Sunday, November 05, 2006

2006 World Volleyball Championship

This weekend we went to see the Puerto Rico National Volleyball team play in Kobe ,about and hour away from Hiroshima. It was really good to meet and talk to the other Puerto Ricans there. We meet some of the team representatives, reporters and the team's #1 fan who actually came all the way from Puerto Rico to see the team play. That deserves a medal!!! Here we are with PR's #1 fan and a very nice Japanese girl who had met the team during the practice rounds and came to support them.

Guess what? We made it to the newspaper!!! Check it out at:

My name is misspelled but so what!!!! The pictures speaks a thousand words!!! I called home and they did publish the article in the sunday newspaper. The precise moment that I called my neighbors had already come over with the newspaper to tell my family. I could not believe it!!

Here is the tournament's mascot rooting for the right team:

Above you can see the whole team just before the PR's national anthem was played. I have to accept that I was very sentimental during this part because I was so happy to hear "La Borinqueña" on the other side of the world. We all had a really good time!!! I'm sure the players where glad to here a few "VAMOS, VAMOS" (Let's Go) in the midst of all the Japanese takataka...something...takataka. I only wish the best for the PR TEAM!!!!! I'm sure they will keep representing our little piece of land globally with the same class and style they demostrated in Japan.


Karin said...

Que chevere!!! Gracias por apoyar el equipo. !!! Salieron en el nuevo Dia, se lo voy a decir a todos mis amigos por alla

Martin and Therese said...

Iddya and Orlando, you are Puerto Rico's very own Ambassador to Japan!

Clemente said...

Saludo desde Puerto Rico.
Perdonen la tardanza en entrar a la pagina pero ya estoy aquí. Espero se encuentren bien y con buena salud. Yo gracia a Dios estoy muy bien. Para mi fue un placer el conocerlos y compartir con ustedes en Kobe. Cuando uno se encuentra lejos de su tierra y encuentra amigos como ustedes se siente feliz y orgulloso de ser boricua. Gracias
Luego de mi estadía en Kobe me traslade a Tokyo, Nara, Kyoto y Osaka en una excursión. Todo me fue muy bien. En Cibuya (Tokyo) cuando Salí de la estación me encontré una muchacha Newyoricam muy contenta de encontrar otro boricua que trabaja en un colegio dando clase de español. En el Hotel de Kyoto me encontré con una muchacha de Barranquita y un matrimonio de Santurce que se encontraban de vacaciones por allá también. Donde quiera ya boricua.
Buenos hasta pronto. Se me cuidan

Luís Ángel Clemente
El fanatico #1