Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The bleeps, the creeps and the sweeps
Ok if you don't know what the title of this blog is rent the movie Spaceballs to find out. Anyways everything in Japan has a beep. If you leave the refrigerator open to long and it beeps until you close it. Once the washing machine is done it beeps until you turn it off (and the water faucet to conserve resources). Once the dryer is done it also beeps until you turn it off. If you leave the water heater on to long it beeps. You would think the beeps are different but noooooo they are all the same!!!!! So you spend half an hour trying to figure out what's beeping so that it won't drive you crazy!!!!

1 comment:

Corey Ducklow said...

Iddya - that is the truth! I think I'm immuned to the beeping -
I just don't hear it anymore :)
I like your blog. It looks as you and Orlando are finding your way around just fine. See you soon! Amy Ducklow